Watermark Designs’ President Avi Abel Interviewed on Smarter Building Materials Marketing Podcast

Watermark Podcast Episode Blog image 2

Brooklyn, NY

June 28, 2019

Avi Abel, President of Watermark Designs, was recently interviewed on the Smarter Building Materials Marketing podcast.

Hosted by Zach Williams and Beth Pop-Nikolov of Venveo, a digital marketing agency that specializes in the building materials industry, the trio talked about a number of topics, focusing on moving manufacturers away from being considered a commodity product to a sought-after brand.

Watermark Designs was started by Avi’s grandfather over 40 years ago, plating faucets made by other companies. When Avi’s father took over, they started experimenting with creating their own products.

When Avi took over the company, faucets were considered commodities—something easily created and cheap to make. He realized that being manufactured solely in the US, Watermark couldn’t compete on price, so in order to survive in the industry, he decided to compete on quality and service instead.

Watermark Designs, under Avi’s guidance, started offering customized options, enabling designers and homeowners to get exactly what they need for their projects. By manufacturing their products in house in Brooklyn, Watermark is able to give their customers exceptional quality and service, something other brands can’t compete with them on.

This in-house production system also lets Watermark stay ahead of the curve when it comes to trends. When most manufacturers are just starting to jump on a current trend, for instance, the industrial-style faucets available widely now, Watermark has already had a collection out for years and is moving on to the next trend.

You can hear more about Watermark’s history and how they’ve become a sought-after brand wherever you stream your podcasts, such as iTunes, Spotify, SoundCloud or Venveo’s website.