New Product Deep Dive: Automatic Faucets

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Automatic faucets have been on the market for decades. These days, you see them everywhere, from public restrooms in restaurants and airports to new touch on/touch off models in homes. We’ve all struggled at one point to get the motion sensor to recognize our hands while a line of sports fans forms behind us.


The challenge with automatic and touchless faucets is that, until now, design options have been limited. Because the sensor is built into the faucet, contractors and design professionals are limited to a small range of trims and finishes. Many are clunky, industrial or generic, which limits their application in high-end settings looking for that distinctive touch.


Our new automatic faucet option gives users the convenience of automatic faucet control, while also offering access to the complete range of Watermark’s luxury kitchen and bathroom faucets. Nearly all of our deck- and wall-mounted faucets can be turned into an automatic faucet during installation.

How Do Automatic Faucets Work?


Rather than using a built-in motion sensor, Watermark’s automatic faucets use a separate sensor kit that can be installed under your sink or behind your wall. The sensor works as either a proximity or touch on/touch off model and is fully integrated with the faucet and finish of your choice, so you don’t have to sacrifice style or design for convenience.

Proximity faucets are truly touchless. The spout of the faucet becomes the sensor which identifies when a hand or object is near or beneath the faucet and activates the water flow. Water flows at a pre-mixed temperature and shuts off when the hand or object moves away.

Touch on/touch off faucets need a simple touch at the side or top of the faucet to turn on the flow, and a second one to turn the water off again.

Both the touchless as well as the touch faucet can also be equipped with a metering function, which turns the water off after a set amount of time. This is a great option in cities where water conservation is a priority or in high traffic areas like public restrooms.

Features of Watermark’s Automatic Faucet


All of our automatic faucet control systems run on an off-the-shelf battery, so there’s no need for hard wiring. The batteries are expected to last for two years, based on 150 uses per day, and the control system includes a low battery indicator to let you know when the battery needs replacing.

Although touchless faucets are typically designed to run water at a pre-set temperature, our automatic faucets can also be integrated with a valve, so that users can adjust the temperature for their personal preference or purpose. This is an important option for designers working in residential spaces like kitchens or where children might use the faucet.


But what about cleaning? All our automatic faucets including a cleaning mode. With a single press of a button, the water on your touchless or touch faucet can be turned off while you clean your fixtures, and then will turn back on automatically when you’re done.

Our touchless and touch faucets also come with a safety shut-off feature. Both are set with a timer that automatically turns the water off. So even if you walk away, the faucet will turn itself off before the sink can overflow, or too much wasted water goes down the drain and drives up utility costs.

Why Choose a Watermark Automatic Faucet?


Automatic faucets are a great way to conserve energy and water. Many municipalities, including New York City, have limitations on how much water can be used per cycle in a public sink. An automatic faucet helps regulate water use, keeping costs down and reducing demand on municipal water treatment facility.

A touchless faucet is also a great way to manage personal hygiene, both in public areas and at home. Limiting the number of surfaces and fixtures that have to be touched before you can wash your hands is an effective way to prevent the spread of germs and viruses.


Our automatic faucet control systems also come with an auto-rinse feature, which is a good feature for both public and residential use faucets. The auto-rinse feature can be set to turn the water on for a few seconds after the faucet has not been in use for an extended period of time.

This auto-rinse feature can protect homes by keeping water moving through pipes during the winter, helping prevent pipes from freezing while a homeowner is away on vacation. It also reduces the potential for water to stagnate in low-traffic areas. Standing water is a great breeding ground for waterborne bacteria like legionella. The auto-rinse feature keeps water moving and safe for users.

The biggest reason though, of course, to choose a Watermark’s automatic faucet is the look. Having the flexibility to choose from almost any one of our faucets, both deck- and wall-mounted, means that not only do you have great technology, but also the personal and custom design that makes these some of the best, most beautiful touchless faucets on the market.

For more information on how Watermark Designs is using the latest technology and New York City-inspired design to bring a unique look to your next project, visit our blog.